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First in-Person IVLP in Two Years!

We are super excited to welcome our first in-person IVLP in two years! Our delegation from Spain is made of 7 leaders working in different aspects of the Integration of Immigrants. Today, we are meeting with the City of Albuquerque’s Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs to discuss city policies that facilitate the integration of immigrants and refugees into the society of the city, focusing on combating discrimination. We will be meeting with the Director of the Office of Equity and Inclusion, Michelle Melendez, and the Liaison of the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, Beatriz Valencia. 

In the afternoon, we will be meeting with Lutheran Family Services to discuss the various programs offered to incoming refugees and immigrants. 

On Monday, the delegation from Spain is meeting with the University of New Mexico’s Refugee Wellbeing Project leader, Jessica Goodkind in the morning to discuss the efforts of the RWP in supporting immigrants and refugees in Albuquerque, focusing on a variety of programs and services they offer in assisting the integration of individuals.

In the afternoon, delegates will have a volunteer activity with the Tres Hermanas Farm, which works with the Albuquerque community of refugee farmers to ease integration and increase self-sufficiency by growing produce, accessing farmers markets, and improving English skills.