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Women Only Hands-On Photovoltaic (PV) Workshop

Coming in June 2022, a Women-Only Hands-on Photovoltaic (PV, solar electric) Workshop. Learn how to design, size, and install a solar electric system.

If you want to take advantage of current incentives and learn how to design and install a photovoltaic (PV) system, the American Solar Energy Society (ASES) is sponsoring a Women Only Hands-On Photovoltaic Design and Installation class this summer. It will be held for 5 days June 13-17, 2022.

In the workshop, you will learn how to size a PV system, learn ways to reduce energy consumption, and have a more efficient home or business. The class will cover proper location for a PV array for maximum energy production, and how to configure stand-alone (off-grid) and grid-tie (utility-connected) systems. Learn about quality installations. There will be hands-on labs before the actual installation. Participants will install an off grid lighting system. Learn safety throughout. No prior knowledge is needed.

Marlene Brown along with Taiyoko Sadewic will instruct the class. Marlene has worked with PV systems for over 30 years and has installed hundreds of systems in the U.S. and the developing world. She has taught PV classes for many years with her own home being one of the projects. She now teaches at CNM and runs their PV Program. Taiyoko is co-owner of Positive Energy Solar and has also installed hundreds of PV systems.

Why women only?

This is a chance for women to work together and empower each other in a non-competitive atmosphere, on design of a PV system, the use of power tools, and the installation of a fully functional solar electric system.

The five-day workshop is Monday through Friday, roughly 8am to 5pm each day. The cost is $600.00 per person and limited to 20 women.

Register and click on Attendee Selections. You can register for just the workshop or for all or part of the conference. You do not need to be a member to take the Workshop. Questions to Marlene Brown at